Business info & Contacts

St Mary’s Mission Hospital is a group of hospitals with two (2) branches one in Langata, Nairobi and the other in Rift Valley – Elementaita, Nakuru County. We are a faith-based level 4 facility that offers affordable and accessible quality health care to the public with great focus on uplifting the dignity of the sick. We ride on our motto: “COMPASSION IN HEALTHCARE” to give a healing touch to anyone who walks into our hospital. We strive in the same spirit to offer holistic, evidence-based health care to our customers.

The Hospitals are owned and Managed by the Assumption Sisters of Nairobi Congregation, ASN. This is a group of catholic nuns whose core business is to uplift the dignity of the human person by being present in their lives, especially those underprivileged and the Sick. This spirit drives service delivery at St Mary’s Mission Hospitals.

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Lang’ata, Nairobi, Kenya

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